Wednesday, March 30, 2016

My prince and my King

The year was 1976.

The place was the Benton Rodeo Arena in Benton (Bossier Parrish) Louisiana.

I cannot tell you whether it was hot or cold, as I sat there in that arena.

I don't recall what I wore.

I don't recall whether I ate or drank anything. I don't recall conversation with anyone or if I did, what we talked about.

What I do recall. Clearly. Distinctly, is what happened in my heart during the grand entrance.

There were lots of cowboys and horses and a wagon or two, as I recall.  I do remember a friend riding in standing astride two horses. That sight struck a bit of fear in my heart.

But what made my heart feel like it was going to burst: the sight of my cowboy.

Understand this was my first real boyfriend. I'd tried to make a real boyfriend out of some guys in the past but my heart would not cooperate. This one was the real deal and this was the night I found that out.

We did not yet have a history then. Everything was fresh and new.

I'd not felt love like that before.

Fast forward to last week.

I have been studying the book of Revelation.

I did so with some fear.

strange beasts and bloody battles. Judgments and woes.

It's seen a long and interesting study. I've learned much.

I am not sure what I might  recall of this study, specifically, years from now. Save one thing.

I know I will recall the moment I read in this last book of the Bible about my Savior. Seated on a white horse, Faithful and True,

My heart swelled with love again.

I had read the words before. But something happened in my heart this time.

There was some build up: challenges, history. His love. His faithfulness. Our history.
My happily ever after.

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