Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Palm Sunday Tradition

I started to edit this photo down to just the two books on my lap this Palm Sunday but decided to leave it in context. That's a partial view of my ever loyal maltipoo in the top view. Closer to the middle are two books. One of them is new. The other, I've had for a long time.
That would would be the Max Lucado book that was actually a gift to the Hub one Easter more than twenty years ago. At some point, I took it over and have read it every Holy Week for a couple of decades.  So much a part of my Easter tradition (I take it out every Palm Sunday and follow my Savior through His final week as described in the inspired writings of the Rev. Lucado) that I wanted my granddaughter to have something similar.
Her little book, a gift just this Easter to her, from a grandmother who wants her to know of His sacrifice for her and love of her desperately, is on the left in the photo. Some day I will get her a copy of the Lucado book (or maybe even give her mine) but until then, I my prayer is that as she reads the events of Jesus' final week, she will come to know him better and love him more!

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