Tuesday, March 15, 2016

permissible OMG

In my quiet time this morning, I discovered something I'd not seen before. It's there in the second line of the photo above. Permissible OMG.
I chastise my children (among others) to be careful not to take the Name of the Lord Our God in vain. It happens so much anymore, not infrequently via text or verbally, in an explicative "OMG!"
Not okay, I say and have said. Yet, in this context... here in His Word, I find an OMG that is clearly permissible.
I couldn't wait to tell my daughter and a godly friend I knew would appreciate my discovery. I am sharing it it here with you, too. And including a disclaimer: my children have my full consent and permission to use OMG via Psalm 25:2 any time they please. Amen.

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