Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Geared up

I have this sweet friend who started out as my daughter's friend but she is the kind of friend who is a friend to everyone. She is kind and generous and fun. The middle description is born out in the photo below.
Those leopard flats are her go to shoes. So much so, that she has picked up pairs of them for people as gifts or just to be (as in description one above) kind.
She kindly brought a pair of them to me while The Hub was in the hospital recently. These are now my go to shoes.
What you see in the photo below are the three things I've been keeping in my go bag. Those shoes, my calendar and a commentary on the book of John (just in case I need to ready more behind a four-fold Bible study I am taking.
I'm pretty much set wherever I go and whatever I do with those comfy shoes, my calendar and and a book to read. It's the small things, y'all.
Though the kindness of friends is no small thing!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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