Wednesday, December 25, 2013

the story of gwendolyn

The doll to the right in the photo above is named Gwendolyn. She was the first thing I bought for Christmas this year. I had big plans for her. Some of them even came to fruition.
She was to be given to my grandniece Lilliann, who I call Buttons. I bought the doll because she looks so much (to me) like the darling little girl she was purchased for. I intended that she be presented to her recipient together with a tote bag full of office supplies.
You see, Lilliann, aka Buttons, loved to go to "work" with her Nana, who is my sister. My other sister, who is called Gogo (we really like unusual nick/names in my family) also works in the same place. They work for my brother-in-law, who we call "Kelbo." (told ya we like unusual nicknames.)
Kelbo says that our nicknames remind him of dog names, but I digress. This is about Gwendolyn.
I chose the name Gwendolyn for the doll because Buttons' other maternal great-aunt loves the name. She wanted to be named Gwendolyn when she was little. She probably still does. When we played dress up or school, she always wanted to be called Gwendolyn. She does not have a grandbaby girl (though she does have a darling grandbaby boy.) But I digress again.
I found some soft, butter-yellow chamois fabric that goes well with Gwendolyn's hair. I intended to embroider "Lilliann/Buttons" on one side of the bag and "Gwendolyn" on the other.
I bought lined yellow pads in regular and mini sizes. Matching writing instruments aka pens, in regular and doll sized versions, some mini and regular markers, etc.
I even found matching "Issues" notebooks. Issues notebooks are what we called the old school speckled primers I give to my eldest daughter to record the things she needs to discuss with me and//or her dad. But I digress, yet again.
Thanksgiving weekend, just as I was finishing up all the embroidery projects I waited to late to start on, my embroidery machine broke. The Hub took it in to the shop to see if there was some quick fix that would get me back to gift making. The fix was not that hard, they told him, but it would require a new part.
The next day, more bad news. The part was not to be had until after New Year's. So much for Gwendolyn's bag being monogrammed.
I determined to put a note inside the package with the fabric and the office supplies explaining that I would personalize the bag as soon as my embroidery machine was up and running again. Gwendolyn, I planned to tied on top, in lieu of a bow.
The good news is, Gwendolyn sits beside me even as I right this. The bad news (worse even than the embroidery machine issue) is that I cannot find the box containing the office supplies.
Somewhere in the glorious mess that is Christmas morning, there is a box with regular and doll sized pens and paper wrapped in a lovely, butter-yellow chamois fabric. But I cannot find them. I have looked eveywhere I can think to look.
I cannot bring myself to give the doll to Buttons without the accessories. I have improvised with a toy that I hope she will like. It is the duplicate of a gift bought for my own Granddaughter  from her wish list in duplicate. I am so glad we never got it back to the store for a refund or exchange.
I hope Buttons will be happy with her gift. Since it is a thing longed for by her cousin, I expect she will like it. Perhaps she will be happier with it than she would have been with the Gwendolyn doll and accessories. I am just happy that she has a birthday in April. Maybe I can find the rest of the Gwendolyn's gear and my embroidery machine will be fixed by then!

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