Saturday, December 28, 2013

What to do on a Saturday morning

I woke up early. It was especially early for a Saturday. The grandbaby spent the night and at some point had crowded the Hub onto the couch. I woke to her beside me trying to get her Tinkerbell music box to open without using the key. The good/bad news is that the music in the box works quite well. A little too well for my taste on a Saturday morning.She has the best/worst bed head on the planet (with the possible exception of her two paternal aunts.) Taming it this morning was hard word but the Hub, who she calls "Granddad" took the task head on (pun intended. I helped dress her and then he drove her to art class. He had her there by 9.
When he returned home with the mail, I sorted through it, had a biscuit with the scuppernog jelly we got as a Christmas gift and I crawled back into bed. That is where I am right now. I've sorted some of our Christmas pictures for uploading. I've done a bit of reading. Now I am blogging. I might try to catch a couple more winks before it is all said and done.
I feel a bit guilty about this because the Hub is will be attending basketball practice with the Grandbaby after he picks her up from art. Then he will drop her off to her mother at dance class. I will likely still be in my pajamas(and maybe even asleep) when he gets back home and wonders what we are doing for lunch.
I could get up and whip up a pizza from the kit on the counter (another Christmas gift.)
I could use some of the Christmas ham to make sandwiches. I could even,  gasp, bathe and dress and go to the market to get ingredients to make soup or chili since it is a bit chilly outside.
I could take down the tree and undeck the halls. But usually I wait until after  epiphany. I could finish up some projects I did not complete in time for Christmas.
I might need to rest and reflect on these options.
Perhaps I could ponder. Or mull over them.
yes, that sounds about right...

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