Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Right, again

So there they were, in the flower department at Whole Foods. Peonies. In November. She said she'd seen them. She declared she'd find them.  She's been determined to have them (her new favorite flower) featured prominently in her wedding next fall.
I believed I was correct when I told her there was no way we would find peonies in the autumn months.
I was wrong.
And she was right.
There, I said it!

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Monday, November 24, 2014

Getting ready for Thanksgiving

The grandbaby and I made pumpkin bread this weekend. We juiced a big ole fat orange and soaked white raisins in their juice all morning on Saturday, She was proud to stir them around on the hour. She also chopped the pecans we added to the bread: one loaf for our house and one for her Mimi and Papa's.
While both loaves were baking I starting pulling out some other things in anticipation of the holiday. Here they are... some old favorites and some new ones. Now all I need is my girls to come home.

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Sunday, November 23, 2014

My baby girl

Perhaps I have mentioned before that by the time my baby daughter was two, her cousins had begun calling her "little miss can't be wrong." That is because, even from that early age, she was usually right. I see it as a gift. She thinks she is just very intuitive. 
She was still a preschooler when, one Sunday morning after church, her dad wondered aloud where we should eat lunch. Without hesitation she answered "Picadilly Cafeteria" and so he turned left out of the church parking lot in the direction of her choice for lunch.
"Why do we mind her? We always do what she says," her brother, who is five years older than she, asked. 
"She answered first," came the answer from the driver's seat. She spoke, her dad responded. He still does. We all do,
I have often said she never got a whole nap. She always had to be roused before she woke up on her own to go to some appointment or practice or meeting.  
So what all of that has turned out (and this is according to her) is a resilient, fun, bright, well-rounded chick who also happens to be cute (even if I am her Mama.) Check out the picture above and then tell me it isn't so...
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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Rows but no rifts

I read a quote recently, attributed to Princess Margaret, the now dearly departed sister of the Queen of England. Some time, not long before her death, the princess was asked whether she and her sister, the queen, ever fought.
Here is what she said:
I have two sisters. Only one of them considers herself royalty.
Growing up, we fought like cats and dogs. Sometimes we fought with words. Sometimes we fought with other things. The three of us were born in five years. We grew up in something like a litter: eating off each other's plates, entertaining each other, and fighting from time to time.
Since we have been grown, though, we, like the British Royal family, row but we don't rift. It's not permitted.
We've all agreed.
One of my sisters went to work in the other's family business a couple of years ago. I was concerned that their working together so closely might create problems. It has not. The one sister said of the other "there is no one else I would trust to help me take care of the business." And so it is. The way we feel about each other.
This may be the only thing about us that is royal-like.
please don't tell my sister I said that!
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Monopoly wife

I heard a story recently about a woman who was the kind of wife I desire to be. The story, as I understood it, is about a man who lost (most) everything and became increasingly hopeless and despondent. He was encouraged by his wife to do something fun (if not productive) with his time and the result was incredible.
Here is how wikipedia describes the man: Charles Brace Darrow (August 10, 1889 – August 29, 1967)

After losing his job at a sales company following the Stock Market Crash of 1929, Darrow worked at various odd jobs. Seeing his neighbors and acquaintances play a home-made board game in which the object was to buy and sell property, he decided to publish his own version of the game, with the help of his first son, William, and his wife Ester. Darrow marketed his version of the game under the name Monopoly.

Now in my marriage there have been good times and bad times. We married very young but we also married for better or worse. Apparently we both meant it but it is only because of Jesus that we are still married after all these years. 
This is especially true because in times of crisis (and we've had plenty of those) I am more prone to panic and complain and often to blame than to encourage. Knowing this about myself, I have endeavored and am endeavoring to, instead be an encourager.
My man might not develop something that is in the closet or cabinet of just about everyone I know. But then, you never know...

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Monday, November 3, 2014

My loves

I took this picture of these two, walking into a church in Tulsa as invited guests to a ceremony because it made my heart happy. I wanted to capture the moment. Forever. 

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Sunday, November 2, 2014

On Main Street

Trick or Treat on Main Street has become quite a popular event in the community where we live. For the second year in a row my work schedule has prevented me from attending but the reports I got were that many of the businesses downtown participated and that the event drew a  crowd again this year.
Among the participants was that darling little girl dressed as "Anna" from the movie "Frozen." 
I'm not certain whether there was a costume contest and whether or not she participated. 
Surely if she had won someone would have mentioned it to me (since the little darling is my grandbaby.)
Certainly she's the grand prize winner in my book. This event wins a prize in hers.

All Saints Day

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This week

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