Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Rows but no rifts

I read a quote recently, attributed to Princess Margaret, the now dearly departed sister of the Queen of England. Some time, not long before her death, the princess was asked whether she and her sister, the queen, ever fought.
Here is what she said:
I have two sisters. Only one of them considers herself royalty.
Growing up, we fought like cats and dogs. Sometimes we fought with words. Sometimes we fought with other things. The three of us were born in five years. We grew up in something like a litter: eating off each other's plates, entertaining each other, and fighting from time to time.
Since we have been grown, though, we, like the British Royal family, row but we don't rift. It's not permitted.
We've all agreed.
One of my sisters went to work in the other's family business a couple of years ago. I was concerned that their working together so closely might create problems. It has not. The one sister said of the other "there is no one else I would trust to help me take care of the business." And so it is. The way we feel about each other.
This may be the only thing about us that is royal-like.
please don't tell my sister I said that!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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