Sunday, November 23, 2014

My baby girl

Perhaps I have mentioned before that by the time my baby daughter was two, her cousins had begun calling her "little miss can't be wrong." That is because, even from that early age, she was usually right. I see it as a gift. She thinks she is just very intuitive. 
She was still a preschooler when, one Sunday morning after church, her dad wondered aloud where we should eat lunch. Without hesitation she answered "Picadilly Cafeteria" and so he turned left out of the church parking lot in the direction of her choice for lunch.
"Why do we mind her? We always do what she says," her brother, who is five years older than she, asked. 
"She answered first," came the answer from the driver's seat. She spoke, her dad responded. He still does. We all do,
I have often said she never got a whole nap. She always had to be roused before she woke up on her own to go to some appointment or practice or meeting.  
So what all of that has turned out (and this is according to her) is a resilient, fun, bright, well-rounded chick who also happens to be cute (even if I am her Mama.) Check out the picture above and then tell me it isn't so...
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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