Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Granddad's chair

The  little ginger there at the left looking something like Goldilocks sitting in the Papa Bear's chair was taking a little rest from lots of tumbling. She is preparing for dance competition, as she has every winter for several years now. That means extra tumbling and gymnastics lessons and practices. Most years lately, we more often see her feet and legs in our lines of sight than that sweet little face of hers. She has to be pretty winded to sit a spell, as she is here. But when she does, she sits in her Granddad's chair.  There are other places for her to sit at our house. She has her own chair and the chair has a matching foot stool. She could sit on either of two sofas that match that big ole chair or in my damask wing chair, which I would say is more comfortable and more suitable to her size. There are two large ottomans that she uses like gymnasium gear but seldom sits upon.  The game table in the corner has four chairs preferred by her only when we are playing marbles or some board game.
If she is just sitting, to rest or watch tv,  she's in the big chair.
I think I'll ask her why, next time she is here and plops down there.
I'll let you know her answer...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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