Thursday, January 28, 2016

why weddings are like childbirth and other information for the mother of the bride: the introduction

I cannot claim to be an expert on child birth. Nor am I am expert on weddings. But have recently learned more than a few things on the former and having some experience personally and by observation on the latter, I find there are interesting similarities between the two.
Hence the name of this book. It is all my own.
I am writing it through this blog because it makes it easy for me and for the people who have asked my opinion recently regarding weddings. My answer, invariably, is that weddings are much like childbirth. They are painful and messy and often complicated but the end result makes all of that worthwhile,
Here's proof:

This photo was taken by a sweet friend of my daughter's as she and her groom made their exit through a maze of lighted sparklers.
Were I to name this photo, I would call it "Joy Personified." That's what a mama (or grandmama or aunt or other person acting or helping in that role) wants to see. This photo is by far my favorite of all I've seen taken of my baby daughter's wedding either this month,
Some of the folk I am writing this for don't know it yet, but I am planning to ask them to guest writ a chapter or two for me
Not even a month has passed yet I find a lot of the angst and frustration I experienced in the process has largely subsided. That's why I want to record the unvarnished truth before it all fades into memory and is replaced by the picture perfect images I expect to be appearing very soon.
My goal is to write a chapter a day until I have exhausted all the information that might have some value to my friends who will be playing the role of MOTB (mother-of-the-bride) very soon.
We'll see how it goes. Between now and tomorrow I have to figure out where to start, now that I have explained the name and purpose of this book/blog series.
Until then...

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