Saturday, January 16, 2016

January Saturday

How do you spell cozy? In my family, it is often called comfy. That's what you find above and below these words. The Hub and his favorite inside dog cozied up by the fire on a January Saturday just scream cozy to me.
That's the baby daughter there below, with what is now her only dog (thankfully.) Just a few weeks ago she had three canines. Her new husband wasn't any happier about that than the little dog she is holding in the Facetime pose I captured. They look cozy and they are. They look happy. Certainly, they must be. She still has honey in her moon and the little dog she in holding is the only game in town (read: the only dog in the honeymoon cottage.)
My new son-in-law, though I have no picture to prove it, is happily watching a nature program off camera while a homemade pot pie cooks  in the over for supper (she told me that part/ you'll have to picture it in your mind.)
How cozy does that sound for a January Saturday?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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