Monday, February 25, 2013

Bucket Lists

I liked the Morgan Freeman/Jack Nicholson movie "Bucket List" very much.
Soon after seeing it I began to make a mental list of things I hope to do someday.
Usually, I start my list, not on New Year's, but as my birthday approaches (see earlier blog.)
I am a list maker.
I have been accused of writing things down I have already done just so I could cross it off my list. well, maybe...
But fairly recently, I've crossed off:
attending a Transiberian Orchestra Concert at Christmas time
going to Italy
spending time with old friends
taking a trip by train,
Less recently I have:

seen the Mona Lisa at the Louvre and walked down the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles
I have peered into the Grand Canyon
and paddled a kayak on the brilliantly clear water off Grand Cayman.
By now, I have accepted that I will never dance on pointe.
I will never be an ace tennis player.
I can't carry a tune in a bucket and this side of Heaven, probably never will.
My father-in-law gave up on turning me into a golfer though he was pleased with what a good shot I am on the gun range.
I won an archery award at summer camp and I can still hit at target with a bow and arrow.
I am pretty sure that my snow and water skiing days are over.
I never wanted to parachute.
I never wanted to climb Mt. Everest.
Mostly I want to travel. Most of the place I want to visit I learned of in movies. Or songs. Or both.
With a few, there is a familial connection.
I want to visit Scotland, most especially the Isle of Skye.
I hope that before I breathe my last, I get to do at least a few more of the things on my bucket list.
 Morgan Freeman died last month. I hope he got to do everything on his.

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