Monday, February 25, 2013

Family lore

When my cousin came down from Kansas to visit a couple of weeks ago, we swapped stories and recollections about relatives we have in common. A number of the tales matched almost completely. Some of them different in detail. Some were altogether different.
Sometimes it was me who corrected his stories. Sometimes it was him correcting mine.
"No, no," I found myself saying. "That wasn't Uncle Buddy, that was Uncle Ball." 
He did the same.
"Not Doris,"  he corrected me, "It was Aunt DD..."
Last weekend I tried to get clarification (ok, affirmation) from my Mom.
Was it his version or mine that was correct?
My sister was some help on some of the facts. Mother was a bit less helpful. I accused her of not paying attention.
Then I realized that for much of what we discussed, she would have no way of knowing. It was kid stuff. Our version of what and who and how is particular to us.
What we observed and heard and how we observed and heard it is not at all as adults would.
So begs the question: just how accurate are our memories? Just how true are our versions of family lore?
My sisters and I are planning a road trip in a few weeks and I can hardly wait to bounce some of my recollections off them. At the risk of getting my world rocked, I at least want to find out how much of it we three agree upon!

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