Monday, February 25, 2013

my bucket list

The last week of February is always something like New Year's for me.
It marks the last few days before my birthday. It is a time of reflection:
what I did since last birthday
what I would like to do before my next one.
It's when I make my annual bucket list: some seven or eight weeks after most folks.

Many of the items on my bucket list involved travel.
There's alot of the world I want to see.

I want to see:
The Dolomites and the Alps (though I doubt I could ski them  at this point)
I want to take an Alaskan Cruise folks I know who have been on one say on a scale of one to ten; it's an eleven.
I want to visit the Yellowstone, the Tetons and/or Yosemite National Park(s).
I want to take my grandbaby to New York City some day.
I have wanted to take a riverboat cruise down the Mississippi since Rhett and Scarlett's honeymoon scene from "Gone With the Wind" first enamoured me of the idea.
For many years I've wanted to serve as a chaperone on my cousin Eva's bi-annual trek to the Germanic states with her junior and senior students. (This is because I love my cousin and the setting for the "Sound of Music.")
New Zealand (because of The Lord of the Ring movies)
Most of all, I hope to visit my family's ancestral home on the Isle of Skye.

Closer to home, I want to see:
the ducks at the Peabody in Memphis
(we missed them twice this summer; both times we arrived just about a half hour before they marched off for the night.)

I would like to learn to knit.
I intend, still, to finish a children's book I started a decade ago.
That's all that is currently on my list.
There is a lot I've been able to check off.
I hope there will be more to check off still...

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