Sunday, February 24, 2013

on virtual farming

My sisters and I were fiercely competitive when we were children. Especially when it came to playing cards and board games.
These days, the more they win, the better I like it. In all things. Save one.
The baby sister and I both play a Facebook game called "Farmville."
We both began as accidental players. Here is how it happened:
Her youngest child, who is my youngest nephew was about to turn three. As preparation for his birthday party went on, he began to make a nuisance of himself. It fell to me to entertain him.
Back then, he was a big fan of animated videos. His particular favorite was called "dancing cows."
I settled in with  my little guy in his dad's study only to discover there was only one dancing cow video, not a series. On about the dozenth time through, I began cajoling... let's see if we can find more cows on the computer.
We ended up finding cows on a Facebook game called "Farmville." It kept him busy for the time his Mama and mine needed to finish the cupcakes and make gift bags. It has kept me busy for lots longer.
At first the little farm was his and I "worked" it only when he was with me. Once in a while he would ask if I'd fed his cows and I would sign on and tend them.
Eventually, he talked his mother into creating a farm he could play. I would send him things from my farm and she sent me things from his. Some of our friends also had virtual farms. Long after both the nephew and most of the friends abandoned the game, baby sister and I still play.
A lot of the reason why is that we compete. "What level is your dairy?" she asked me last week. I hated to tell her 13 because I knew she had to at least be a level 20. I've been all weekend trying to catch her.
It's a rather mindless and therapeutic thing for me to do. She says the same.
Periodically, she works my farm. And my daughter's. and my nephew's.and my Mother's.
She says it is because she has been struggling with insomnia.
I know that it it really so she can beat me.

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