Wednesday, October 2, 2013

bangs or no bang; that is the question

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I have worn bangs most of my life. As the picture on the left shows, from the time I was very young;  I've had them. There have been times I've tried something different. Most recently, I started growing them out after I decided I was too old for them. The selfie on the right illustrates that point.
Tomorrow I have a hair appointment. Between now and then I must decide whether I continue on without bangs or go back to them.
The truth is, it feels rather odd not to have them. While it is nice not to have my sister calling me "Buster Brown" I still miss the bangs.
They grow too fast. I have been known to cut them myself with my manicure scissors. It makes the people at my office really nervous when I do that. But as you can tell from the younger of the two pictures above, I am not afraid of crooked bangs. I expect I cut them myself just before the baby picture was taken. Surely no family member or beautician did that to me.
I know that this is not all that important a decision in the grand scheme of things.
The government is officially shut down.
There is so much confusion and certainty in our country and in the world of late that I am almost ashamed to admit that I really am struggling to decide on what to do with my hair.
At least that decision is one I can make myself and bear the ultimate responsibility for.
Too bad the same is not true of some of the rest of what is going on these days.

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