Wednesday, October 30, 2013

a fall fairy house

The grandbaby's first loose tooth has been something of a preoccupation with her. Add to that her recent admiration of fairies, most especially Tinkerbell and the tooth fairy, and you have precisely the reason that I spent time last weekend working on a fairy house.
The tooth fairy will be coming soon. My grandbaby reasons that the tooth fairy visit might be at my house if that is where that little lower cuspid, now barely dangling, ultimately comes loose. The grandbaby further reasons that the tooth fairy  will probably need a place to rest after she drops off picks up the tooth and exchanges it for whatever the going rate is for (grand)baby teeth these days.
Thus, it became necessary to construct a fairy house. We gathered up things we found in and around the house and yard. A plastic container,  pine cones, leaves, berries, ribbon were used on the outside. Twigs and other bits of wood became furniture and fixtures inside.
We were both please with the results, as was the Grandbaby's sleepover company who also helped. That tooth is still hanging on, but when it comes loose, we have the fairy rest station ready.

Postscript: I did a search for the going rate for baby teeth  and found the an interesting article on Huffington Post. Here's the link:

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