Sunday, October 27, 2013

pumpkin carving

When I think of carving pumpkins I think of using an old paring knife to cut triangles for eyes and a nose and jagged teeth. The were no patterns or templates that I recall. It was a messy project deemed well worth the trouble by my sisters and me because of the fun we had doing it. Even digging the messy "guts" of the pumpkin out of the shell we found fun.
At time house last Friday night, things were a bit more complicated and technical. First there were searches on the computer and a look-see at "pin boards." A pumpkin carving kit was available but was ultimately forsaken by the Hub's drill.  The good news is they moved on out to the patio before they began drill/carving their pumpkins. By then they had abandoned both old school methods and the newer ones. They had drawn and redraw patterns and shapes. 
The final products are fantastic. The one with round holes resembles a lovely luminaire. The other has two letters "X" for eyes and a appears to either have on braces.
Now comes the bad news: there were chips and chunks of pumpkin all over the place. The clean up took a while. Worse news still: there are no surviving seeds to roast.
Next fall, I plan to advocate early for the old school manner of making carving pumpkins to make jack o'lanterns.

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