Monday, February 3, 2014

bathing bella

The Grandbaby told me the other day that she has decided what she wants to be when she grows up.
She says she want to be an "animal doctor." She loves animals, except for bugs and "they are insects not animals." She especially likes dogs and cats.
I am not surprised at her statement based on what she does daily. Whether she is playing in her playhouse or watching television at our house, there is a dog nearby. At her own house, the older cat and the kittens are constantly on her lap. The older one, who doesn't like anyone, sleeps on the Grandbaby's bed.
Bathing our dogs is one of her favorite things to do. Strange that, to me anyway. I dread bathing them and would much rather take them to the groomer for a bath. The dogs don't love it when she bathes them both neither do they mind it particularly.
In the above photos, the Grandbaby is happy and our Bella is pensive. Sure does smell good though because after her bath Bella also got a spray (or two or three) of my new perfume.

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