Wednesday, February 5, 2014

drawing for February

Last year in February I did a photo challenge. I chose the shortest month of the year because I figured I'd have a better chance of actually finishing it with fewer days in which to participate.
I thought of doing another month of photos but then decided to do something different. 
I decided to draw.
Perhaps I am inspired by the little children in my family and in my community who are taking art lessons from a woman who really is a master artist. She has opened a little studio downtown. I was there for the grandbaby's art birthday party last summer. Since then I've wanted to try my hand again at art.
I took classes when I was younger. One I took when I was 10 or 11. Another I took as a course in high school and another I took when I was newly married.
Each of those were painting classes, not drawing ones. Still there is drawing and sketching involved in the early stages of painting, so I should be able to carry off the requisite drawings. We shall see...

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