Sunday, June 22, 2014

A perfect Sunday afternoon

I am writing this from a comfy chair in the Hub's office aka man cave. The baby daughter is taking a nap on the sofa with two of her three canine acquisitions. The third is resting beside me. Across the room, the Hub is editing old pictures on his computer. (I am not sure why he is doing this, but I am thrilled...)

I have done work on a quilt, a scrapbook and more than a little laundry.  I have downloaded two songs on Itunes. The smell of stargazer lilies is emanating from a bouquet in the breakfast room, adjacent me. There is a fan blowing in my direction. It is quiet aside from the noise coming from the fan, which I find comforting just now.

It is a perfect Sunday afternoon.

In the past week I've been able to spend time with almost every single member of my family. They are all more well and happier than they've been in a long time.

There is melon chilling in the refrigerator and tomatoes in the little kitchen garden that are almost ripe. We have been discussing summer vacation. There are ideas in my head that I need to jot down concerning the cousins camp I plan to host for my great niece and nephews and maybe even the holidays.

For now though, I am content with beings I love so dearly sleeping and working nearby and the sound of the fan blowing on a Sunday afternoon.

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