Thursday, June 12, 2014

my prize

I read somewhere (it was on Pinterest, I think, but am not sure) that just inside the entrance to the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World there is a kiosk where one can get silhouettes done.Every time I see my grandbaby in profile I think about having her silhouette done. I have thought of trying to do one of her myself but realize it is beyond any skill level I have with sissors, even especially good and/or sharp ones. When I read about the kiosk at Disney World, I quick decided to try and get the grandbaby's adult traveling companions to have one done of her for me.
I asked. They agreed. They didn't forget.
The result you see above.
I am thrilled with it. The chin she inherited from her grandfather's side of the family is my favorite part. That and he pony tail. And her cute little nose. Well,the whole thing actually.
It now sits on the mantle looking like it has always belonged there. It hangs just across the room from silhouettes of my children, which I also love.
I can cross another thing off my wish list. (at least until I have more grandchildren...)

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