Sunday, June 22, 2014

on the subject of Sunday afternoons...


some of my favorites were spent riding around  a small town in Louisiana in a certain pickup truck with a certain guy listening to America's top 40 on the radio, drinking Dr. Pepper and eating nacho doritos.

When word came last week that Casey Kasem had died, I first checked my sources. After all, it was here on this blog that I spoke of Morgan Freeman's death only to learn he is alive and well and still making movies.

The voice of the top 40 countdown of my youth really has passed on. With he and Dick Clark gone, I feel a void that last beyond New Year's Rockin' Eve. Things may never be the same for me.

I wanted to see the ball fall in NYC so I watched as much of the  show as I could stand. I didn't make it to the end. It's just not the same without the historic host.

I no longer care much for Dr. Pepper. I only occasionally eat Doritos. The pickup truck is long since become a memory but the cute guy is still spending Sunday afternoons with me.These days, we are sadly, spending them without Casey.

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