Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Little gems along the way

The trip prep, including the passport renewal, turned out to be fairly uneventful.
It just fell into place. Of course, I had detailed instructions (written and placed into
a folder) from the sisters whose gift the trip was. My fabulous co-workers made sure my
schedule stayed clear. My fabulous fam all pitched in to get us where we needed to be. One sister studied Italian. Another downloaded and app on her phone to interpret. They read travel guides and listened to Rick Steve's Podcasts. I bought new walking shoes.
We all ate dinner together the night before our departure to celebrate a nephew's birthday. After dinner I let my baby sister talk me into a spray tan for the trip... my first.
The trip bestowing brother-in-law drove us to the airport with my hub riding shotgun.
Again, things were uneventful. No real issues at check-in... no bags oversized, even. We had nothing confiscated or disallowed thanks to the aforemention instructions regarding what to pack.
We switched planes in Atlanta, the lay over was just long enough to facilitate a short visit with the cousin of a cousin of my husband. It had been years since I'd seen her but we recognized each other on sight. It was one more little gem in our treasure of a trip.

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