Monday, April 30, 2012

My role in our Italian adventure was something akin to what  girl scouts call a tagalong. Feeling somewhat guilty for my lack of contribution, I made myself the official scribe. When Karen the Good said, "write this down" I jumped to attention. She had a list each night for the next day. Below is the summary of a list made for:

 Saturday a.m.

By 6:30 a.m. be downstairs for breakfast
At 7 am leave hotel for Vatican Tour/Bring tickets

At  the Vatican:
Find out where excavations office is
Look for souvenirs at Vatican gift shops
(specifically putti/cherub ornaments, souvenir books)
Mail post cards from Vatican Post office
Ask about a good place for lunch close to the Vatican

Find out:
where in the Vatican the smoke comes from when a Pope is elected.
Who all lives in Vatican buildings

 Saturday p.m.

Leave for excavations office at 2:30
Scavi Tour at 3 p.m./Bring tickets

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