Sunday, April 29, 2012

When in Rome...

One of the things that most surprised us about Italy is that many of the business shut down for several hours every afternoon for the Italian equivalent of nap time.
By the end of our tour of ancient Rome we were seeing the benefit of just that kind of time out. Karen the Good allowed us several hours rest, yea sleep, this day once we promised to go back out exploring once nap time was over. We took full advantage this.
We had dinner that evening at a sidewalk cafe, climbed the Spanish Steps, wandered around its environs a bit.

We ended the day where we'd begun it...back at the Trevi Fountain. We found it as beautiful at night as it had been with the early morning sun reflecting off its waters. A very full day this one was. We talked of what we had seen and heard only briefly upon our return to our hotel and then we all went (back)fast asleep.

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