Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Family to the full

There's been lots of excitement in my family in the past few weeks:
My baby daughter started to law school
My grandbaby started to kindergarten
My youngest niece presented us with a healthy, dandy, baby boy named Pierce.
my eldest nephew had his first baby, a precious little girl named Landry.
Exciting stuff, this.
The family growing. Our children growing up. Thriving. We are immensely blessed.
At a fish fry at the lake the other weekend I watched children running and playing and listened to them laugh. They did some cloud watching and played ball.
On the way home, Iwas  chatting with the above mentioned grandbaby about all the fun she'd had with her cousins (and aunts and uncles and grandparents) and some folks that are not her direct relatives but might as well be.
She said something to me I hope I will never forget.
"I am just full of family; aren't I?" she asked.

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