Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The baby in law school

I mentioned in an earlier blog post that my baby daughter recently started to law school.
What I did not mention, is:
How proud I am of her independence
How much I miss her around the house now that she has taken up residence (again) in a new city.
I will start by saying I don’t know how it is she came to be 23, because it was just the day before yesterday that she was 23 days or weeks or months old. But not years.
She is my third child. I learned with the first two how fast time flies. By the time I got to her I was paying close attention. Still, time got away from me. She was always “growny” and all too soon grown.
As the third child, she never got a full nap. I always had to awaken her to go to a practice or game, or rehearsal or meeting of some kind.
I apologized recently to her for the lot she drew. She waived my words away, like she often does.
"All of that has made me who I am," she said. "And I am okay with that."
It made me realize that some of her best traits were likely born of her "lot."
She is exeedingly flexible. She has always been able to find her own way. She knows her own mind. She makes sound decisions...
and I can hardly wait to see her in front of a jury!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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