Sunday, September 30, 2012

Savoring time...

Time is passing too fast. I always heard it would.
I have often heard that the older one gets, the faster time goes.
Tomorrow it will be October and I am not sure how! Seems like last week I was packing for Italy. No, it seems like I was taking down the Christmas tree. Or making Valentines with my darlings. Seems like just a few days ago that I was waiting up to see the puppy my daughter was driving home from Parker, Kansas with.
Christmas is now less than three months away. The puppy is nine months old and has moved with her mistress to law school. My new grandnephew will be two months old next week.
Time seemed to drag its feet when I was a child.
Long car trips. Waiting on Santa...
Waiting for the day I would be tall enough
to ride the big kid rides at the amusement
park...waiting for my birthday.
Those seem to come around at warp speed
these days, too.
I need to find a way to better savor the time...

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