Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Finals Bracelet

The puppy I blogged about earlier this year is back at my house, albeit temporarily. The apartment where she resides has become the site of much study and angst as law school finals approach. The puppy, whose name is Parker, has settled in just fine. The permanent residents of our home are having some difficulty readjusting to her but they will survive.
Parker's pet, my baby daughter, will also survive finals. Though I am sure at this moment she is not so sure, I know the stuff of which she's made. She comes from strong stock. She is a smart girl. She'll be fine.
A dear friend of ours, sent a packagea few weeks ago. Contained therein, was a cherub charm.The charm, was a gift of my baby daughter to our friend, more than a few moons ago, when said friend was preparing to take her own law school finals.
Full circle, the little cherub charm has come I attached the charm to a pearl bracelet, since a pearl is the baby daughter's birthstone. I added a charm to communicate my confidence and good wishes. I hope that during those long minutes when she is trying to recall the rules of civil procedure or elements of some of the torts, she will look down at the bracelet and know that two people  who love her can sympathize and empathize. And she can also be reminded that her pooch is in good hands.

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