Sunday, December 9, 2012

Back to Middle Earth

 I became a fan of J.R.R. Tokien rather unintentionally.
I was recovering from a nasty bout with the flu when the last of The Lord of the Ring trilogy was released.
My daughter and several of her friends were watching the first two LOTR movies in anticipation of/preparation for the third.
I watched parts of "The Fellowship" and "Two Towers" between cat naps but did not see enough of them to put together how the creatures and subcreatures and wizards and little men with hairy feet were connected. The kids tried to explain to me. I was more confused.
Finally I decided to watch the movies all the way through. I didn't feel well enough to do much else. Folks at work did not relish my return until I was clear of fever for at least a day.
Half way through the "Fellowship" I was intrigued. By the end of "Two Towers" I was hooked. I did not mind the length of "Return of the King" and in fact, relished every minute of it. On several long afternoon between Christmas and New Years that season, I read the Trilogy. I read the appendices. Then I read "The Hobbit" Then I began looking for other Tolkien works to read.
The husband bought me the boxed set of the trilogy the day it was was released. The kids and I hunkered down and watch it, twice, if my recollection serves me.
We've watched the movies many times since (including appendices!) We can quote much of the dialogue. And we've waited on and discussed the release of "The Hobbit" of a come full circle completion of sorts.
The possibility looked iffy during the time Peter Jackson and Company were negotiating the rights to film the prequel with the Tolkien heirs. I held my breath waiting to see whether the LOTR actors would be playing the roles they'd made famous. Now, all that's left to decide is whether this movie will live up to the hype the way other three films did.
I may have become a fan late, but a die hard fan I became. I expect the same will be true this time.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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