Monday, December 17, 2012

g'baby smocked

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Last weekend we attended my grand nephew Pierce's baby dedication. It was a sweet, sweet family time. In the wake of the tragedy in Conneticut the idea of promising formally and as a group to encourage this  precious little life to know and love Jesus seemed all the more important.
My grandbaby was in attendance to watch her baby cousin prayed over by ministers of the Gospel and to hear our vows to love and encourage him to be a follower of Christ.
I dressed her in a little red dress that her Aunt Katie wore for Christmas the year she was in kindergarten.
Besides me being happy she was wearing something smocked, I was happy, too, that for this family event she had on something with family history. She has her own dress to wear for Christmas with the family but for this special event I am pleased she wore this special dress. 

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