Saturday, December 29, 2012

Off time

I have taken some days off between Christmas and New Year's:
to enjoy time with my family
to finish up some projects I don't want to contend with into January
to get some much needed rest between family time and project time
to savor the last bit of the most wonderful time of the year

So far so good!
the first day after Christmas I spent dining and shopping with my children
the second day after Christmas I spent dining and shopping with my husband
the third day after Christmas I spent in my pajamas sorting pictures
today, day four, I did some cooking for the weekend, work on some of the aforementioned projects, and played with my grandbaby.

I made some plans with some friends for events as far out as Valentine's Day.
As I approach bedtime this night I am quite satisfied with the way my time off has been spent.

I have thank you notes still to write. There are still some projects left to finish. But I have some time left. And that's always nice...

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