Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy 2013

The year of our Lord 2013  is shaping up to be a wonderful one.
The transition was an easy one:
 I took in a matinee showing of Les Miserables' with my baby child. I enjoyed it as much as I hoped I would and her company made it all the better. The Hub made gumbo for dinner and we had friends over to eat it in front of the fireplace. We were fast asleep when the bell fell. I wasn't much in the mood to spend my first New Year's without Dick Clark awake. The vestiges of a head cold helped me make up my mind the the Hub offered no resistance. Start to finish, New Year's Eve was blessedly uneventful.
New Year's Day we gathered up things and headed to Mama's. Among the "things" were:
  • a stock pot with a fine 15 bean soup mixture (black eyed peas among them)
  • gifts for our family gift exchange. this year we exhanged  games.
While the Hub watched bowl games with my Pop Buzz I visited Mama, wearing a pair of fuzzy socks she got me. When Baby Child arrived, she and I ran and picked up some last minute things before heading to the Middle Sister's for family time.

New Year's day ended in as much noise and chaos as the night before was quiet. It was the perfect combination for this girl.

Hope your New Year was happy, too!

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