Sunday, January 27, 2013

My candy store cowgirl

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The picture above was taken with the camera on my phone on Saturday after our Valentine's photo session. I blogged just earlier about the session and how well it went. I blogged also about promising to take her to the cupcake/candy store is she was cooperative during the photo shoot.  That she tends to have fun everywhere she goes is the subject of yet another recent blog.
This picture captures something of all of that. She jumped astride a pink carousel in the gift shop part of the candy store and proceeded to name the horse, pretend to be riding through the countryside ala Mary Poppins.
This was after she had consumed a chocolate cupcake and some pink lemonade at a table with her cousins, inspected the giant cupid figure between the cupcake and candy counter but before she checked out the knights in armor flanking the entrance doors.
I expected her to fall asleep on the ride to my Mom's for dinner. She did not. Such excitement does not exhaust a five year old  like it does her grandparents.
She may not have needed a nap by the time we got to her Granny Carol's, but I sure did!

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