Friday, January 4, 2013

Cleaning up and out!

I am taking a short break from doing some cleaning out. I am inspired, I suppose, by the New Year and an overwhelming need to unclutter for its sake.
I started where it was most needed: closets. In particular, my craft room closet where I have stashed things for months, but for Christmas and for going through. The going through time has come.
There is a pile of greeting cards as tall as I am sitting here with me. i am not sure why I've kept so many for so long. Some are sentimental. Some are just plain gorgeous. Only a handful will remain in my possession this time tomorrow.
I am donating the pretty and otherwise appropriate card fronts to the church's Sunday School craft room. The others, simply, must go into the paper recycle bins. There is no help for it.
Oh, and magazines are next.

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