Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sophia or Olivia?

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The Grandbaby is pictured above with the baby doll her Granddad and I got her for Christmas. It was not long after her birthday in July that we began talking about Christmas. The doll was the one thing she told me repeatedly that she wanted for Christmas.  She has blue eyes and wanted her baby doll to have blue eyes, too. Finding that particular doll with blue eyes was not an easy job. I searched all those weeks for one and by Thanksgiving I was panicked that I would not be able to deliver the one thing she was determined to open at our house.
After numerous backorder and out of stock attempts, I finally found a doll shop who offered to sell their blue-eyed display doll. I snapped it up.
I blogged earlier that she was way more taken with a pair of binoculars my Mom got her than with the doll I worked so hard to find.
"When are you ever going to play with your new baby," I asked her recently.
"First, I have to give her a name," she told me. "I am thinking about it. Maybe Sophia or Olivia" she said and that was that.
She will be over to visit today and I will make it a point to ask her whether she has decided on a name. I will be sure to let you know what she says!

Postscript: February 2, 2013 (Groundhog Day) the grandbaby, just arrived after spending the morning at dance practice and early afternoon at a swim birthday party. I asked her as soon as she got here if she ever decided on a name for her Christmas doll. "Sofia/Sophia" was her answer. So we know what it is. Now, for figuring out how to spell it!

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