Sunday, January 27, 2013

trip gear

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My middle sister turns 50 in a few weeks. The baby sister and I were having discussion regarding what an appropriate gift would be when we settled on a trip. The trip we three took to Rome and Venice last year was amazing. But it was very fast paced.We walked over hard, uneven surfaces many hours and miles on that trip. The middle sister who planned the trip worked long hours making sure we fit as much into the time we had as possible. She warned that the pace would be fast, the schedule grueling but the result worth it. And so it was!
As fantastic as it was to see the wonders of ancient Bella Roma and the beauty of Venetia, some of my favorite parts were the times as we were falling asleep when we visited about the days' events and those to come on the morrow.
The three of us had not been along for any extended period of time for years. Maybe since we were children.
I was amazed at how much alike we are. Our habits nd preferences are more similar than I ever realized. I had to travel to a foriegn country with them to realize it.
Our daily schedules and responsibilities have prevented me, or perhaps distracted me, from enjoying these fantastic sisters of mine as I ought.
So we are about to venture off on another Sisters trip. This one is to be a road trip. Slower paced than the last and decidely less exotic but hopefully no less memorable.
Fortunately, a thoughtful friend of mine gave me a Christmas gift that will fit the trip perfectly. I can hardly wait to use it.

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