Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Angels we have heard...

I've collected paper mache angels
for some time. Mine are copies of the angels that hand upon the Christmas tree and surround the creche at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Every season people flock to see the tree and nativity on display. My display is not antique, not highly valuable (other than sentimentally) and is decidely smaller than at the Met. It is also more touchable.
Whether anyone other than the persons assigned to assemble and or/disassemble the display ever get to touch the pieces, I do not know. But at my house, the angels and nativity are very touchable.
As you can see from the photo above, the grandbaby touched and arranged and played with the angels from the time we set them out until they were packed away.

She also played with and arranged and rearranged the nativity characters.
At one point, I walked by the children's little homework table and noticed the Baby Jesus figure was not in the manger. Upon further inspection, I found Baby Jesus in this mother's arms. Throughout the month of December and into January, I would find him rotated, among the characters and into their arms. The wisemen each had their turn and perhaps more than once. I lost count.
I didn't really quiz her about it as her intent was pretty clear.
We have a new baby in the family and at gatherings everybody gets to hold him.
I can also think of some spiritual applications she may or may not have made. What she did make, for sure, was a memory I won't soon forget.

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