Sunday, January 27, 2013


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The things kids take to is always interesting to watch. I stress, sometimes, over what to get her that she will enjoy. She had her heart set on a particular doll we had seen that was sold out and back ordered every where I tried to buy it. In the end, I bought a display doll, as it was the only one I could find. She played with it for about 15 minutes on Christmas Eve. If she has played with it since, I am not aware of it.
What she has played with, and I mean a lot, is a pair of binoculars her Granny and Pop Buzz for her for Christmas. Above she is dog watching. Our little maltipoos are her favorite subjects to view at the present.
She branched out to rabbits and squirrels in the back yard and beyond at my urging. This weekend, I am going to encourage bird watching. Long ago and far away, her dad and I participated in the Audubon bird count project in pursuit  of a Cub Scout merit badge. I was disappointed when he abandoned that particular hobby so imagine how thrilled I was when his child began to show such interest in her new binoculars.
I could have saved my money on the doll, perhaps. But a couple of great grandparents hit it out of the park when they selected binoculars for this little girl.

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