Friday, December 7, 2012

It's almost here

I've been counting down the days for months.
I thought about making a paper chain.
I am so excited I can hardly stand it!
Today is December 7 and though Christmas is just around the corner it's not Christmas I am counting down to... Rather it is the premier of "the Hobbit" I am excited about.
One week from today is premier day! It's been a long time coming and I am happy it's almost here.
I have become a serious Tolkien fan. It wasn't always so.
I tried to read the Hobbit in high school. I quickly decided it wasn't my cup of tea.
I didn't finally finish what I started back then until the Christmas season of 2004.
By then I was a fan of the Lord of the Ring trilogy...or at least the movie version of them.
That I will be watching the prequel at this time a week from now makes me very happy.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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