Tuesday, May 20, 2014

doggie dress up

As much as the grandbaby loves to play with her dolls and dress them up, it seems to me that she loves to dress the dogs that live at our house even more.  Maybe it is because the dolls wear miniature things while the canines she plays with can (and do) sport her own costumes, clothing and accessories. Each of them have their own outfits, my baby daughter makes sure of that. I personally have a problem with dogs wearing clothes save and except when it is cold and they need covering for warmth. I've been outvoted on this issue a lot. So much so, that I gave the battle up long ago.
Trying to keep the dogs from wearing headbands and lady bug wings and even bracelets on their tails, is something I have opted not to take own. They don't seem to mind, too much, else I would come to their aid. Funny thing is, they just let me dress them and sometimes even stroll them around in a buggy or shopping cart.
She is asking for a pram for her birthday. I suspect this is so she can stroll more than one dog at a time. I'll keep you updated!

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