Monday, May 19, 2014

what mushu said

my little baby, all grown up and saving the world...

I love the mushu character from the Disney movie "Mulan." Besides being hysterical he is also very quotable. The above quote came to my mind as I was thinking about my baby daughter starting a big time job today.

It seems like a half hour ago that our pediatrician came into my hospital room and announced "you have yourselves a little sweetheart." That is was almost 25 years ago boggles my mind.

What was true a quarter century ago, though, is still true. We had ourselves a little sweetheart. Indeed we did and indeed we do.

I am including the post she put on her Facebook feed Sunday after leaving home on her short little respite between the end of finals and her beginning the aforementioned job

It reads:

"Headed back to Tulsa to start my new job after a full fun-filled week with my family --

Celebrated Mother's Day, went to work, shopped, and played with mom

Caught up on Revenge, played wii tennis, and celebrated a birthday with Dad

Saw both my siblings

Went back blonde, ran 12 miles, made a cake from scratch, and concocted homemade body products

Caught over 100 bass and crappie, went to the rodeo, and danced with boyfriend

Spent time with two of the coolest people on the planet,


Went to niece's little olympics, spotted her backhand spring, and helped her get Parker ready for a "dog fashion show."

My heart is full and I am so thankful for my life.:

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