Tuesday, May 20, 2014

some things I miss

When I was young, I admit I used to roll my eyes and sigh when my elders talked about the good old days.
As I grew older, I became quite interested in the stories.
That I would be the one telling them did not occur to me at either juncture.
Let me say here that lots of thinks were different when I was a child.
There was no social media. We had 3 television channels. All of them were black and white.
No one had ever heard of a computer. Any and all of that reminds me of the Jetsons.
I am technically challenged, to say the least. Though I admit I love the convenience technology provides I still miss some things that are no more.
I miss TG&Y, Woolworths and other "Dime" or  5&10 cent stores. I spent part of every Saturday and most of my allowance there.
I miss water coolers, attic fans and ice milk. They were summer staples.
I miss seeing people dressed up to travel.
I miss manners.
Most of all, I miss the people who are no more. Aunts and Uncles, Grandparents.
I can still hear some of their voices in mind mind, making "bids" at cards or chatting as they shuffled dominoes. I see their faces in my mind. If I close my eyes, I can recall how some of them smelled.
I am thankful for the memories.

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