Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Oklahoma Crude

I am going to start this post by saying that my brother-in-law, who we call "Kelbo" is one of the funniest people I know. His unique observations and opinions are the stuff that could be:
punch lines
phrases printed on tee shirts
or coffee mugs
ad slogans
Once, at a class reunion, he was taking to a classmate who began to laugh so hard he passed out, hit the floor and had to be taken to the hospital. Afterwards, my baby daughter suggested that we  draft disclaimers for folks to sign before they  conversed with her uncle, which would include an acknowledgement that they had been advised of and understood the risk. It would further hold both her uncle and the family at large,, harmless from injuries sustained while laughing with or at him.
He's just that funny.
Sometimes he means to be.
Sometimes he does not.
Both times, he is.
All of the time, he is.
So much so, that my nephew (son of the funny guy) who fairly recently graduated college and went to work with his dad, has suggested he might write a pilot for some sort of reality tv show.
 His instincts (we are talking about the nephew here) are, as usual, spot on.
See, those Kardashians have nothing on my brother in law.
The nephew (would be screenwriter) even has a clever and appropriate name of his sit come. It is the same as the title of this blog: Oklahoma Crude.
The first part, understandably, is locational.
The second part is partly because my brother-in-law can sometimes be crude. But it is also because he works in the oil business.
The day to day operations of his business are the stuff legends are made of. Take an incident last week, for example. We've had record level rainfall this spring and one of his wells was so surrounded by water that driving in to check it was impossible. Not to be deterred, the brother-in-law announces he will just go to the lake and get a jet ski. I have been begging for footage for days now. If it is available, I will most assuredly post it here.
The Hub and I love to watch "Swamp People" and "Alaska: the Final Frontier" but neither of those have any funnier character than our Kelbo, When he means to be and when he does not; he's just funny.
My nephew needs to get busy on that pilot.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

A man and his granddog

This is the Hub. He is holding  the granddog.
We are babysitting the granddog whilst her "Momma"gets acclimated to a new job.
I love the granddog and am ok with keeping her because I love her Momma.
The Hub, he loves the granddog. Period.
He comes from a family of dog lovers.
His folks always had an inside dog, usually a poodle of some type. They loved their dogs.
When he lived at home, he did not love his parent's dogs. He did not love his sister's dogs.
But he loves his children's dogs.
No. Make that singular. He loves his child's dogs.
Only one of his children brings home dogs for him to love.
You can see from the photo how he obliges!


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Monday, May 18, 2015


I am forever taking pictures of my grandbaby asleep. Maybe because that is when she is the most still and thus easily photographed. Or maybe it is because I want to capture her in the stillness of the moment before time slips away.
I watch her sleep an awful lot, too. I always have. Since the first time I ever saw her asleep, I was captured by the tranquil peace written upon her sweet little face.
I never seem to tire of it. Thankfully I have lots of sleeping pictures to keep.
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Saturday, May 16, 2015

Just that kind if a day

This is what Saturday looked like at my house. At least part of Saturday.
It was just that kind of day.
A nap was actually the Grandbaby's idea. She came over to spend the day with us mid-morning.
The weather made it an inside kind of day. She quickly became bored with the projects I'd saved to do with her. She and her granddad piled up in his chair to watch some television. Not long after, I heard her suggest they turn off the tv and take a nap.
That's what happened.
They took a long, Saturday nap.
It looks good on them, doesn't it?!
In fact, the whole thing looked so appealing to me, that right after taking this photo, I took a nap, too.
I'm hoping no one took a photo...

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Thursday, May 14, 2015

This guy

...turned 55 yesterday. This is the tbt/happy birthday picture i posted to mark yet another anniversary of his natal day.
He is a math guy. You know the kind, those ones who talk quantum physics and such as that while others are discussing diets and hairstyles and movies. I don't mean to say that he doesn't like a good movie, for he surely does.
Maybe I just find hid interest in numbers interested because I so decidedly do not.
Our granddaughter is showing every sign of following his inclination toward numbers rather than my disinclination. She is seven.
When she asked her granddad how old he was and he told her, she immediately began figuring in her head what year he was born and how old he was when she was born.
When he referred to his age as the "double nickel" she corrected him.
"No, not two nickels, Granddad, it's two quarters and a nickel."

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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

A new JD and her proud parents

This is the day we've been waiting for. The baby daughter received her juris doctorate.  Those pearls around her neck are how her dad and I commemorated the event.
She had a goodly number of friends and family in attendance when she walked across the platform during her hooding ceremony.
Afterward, she and her law school BFF's were feted by one of their families, with a dinner at their home near the law school.
It was an absolutely lovely event. It was an absolutely lovely day.
Only the bar exam stands between her and her chosen career.
She's already landed what she is calling her "dream job."
She is writing briefs and observing depositions; generally getting ready to be what she's now degreed to be.

I am posting what she wrote on Facebook regarding her career.
Could we be any prouder I think not!

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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The best Mother's Day

These are my daughters. I spent Mother's Day with them. I also saw their brother but no one took a photo. Anytime I spend time with these kiddos it's a good day but this day was especially good.
Not just because it was Mother's Day.
While I loved eating at our favorite seafood restaurant and walking around the Market. and I loved sitting in a wooden booth with them in our favorite bookstore, drinking coffee and looking at magazines, the fact that the one on the left is walking without a walker or cane or crutches in flip flops on her own legs without needing a wheelchair made the day extra spectacular.
Since early last fall, she has had very limited mobility. A broken ankle on one leg and a break in one of the larger bones in the other have been way too slow healing for taste and ours.
Several casts, braces, immobilizers later, she is finally able to walk without any aid at all.
The depression and frustration caused by her mobility restrictions have lifted.
Her sister, there with her on the left, is now a law school graduate about to hunker down for bar exam prep.
This Mama had a lot to celebrate and be thankful for on Mother's Day.
As far as their brother goes, he continues to struggle with his own illness. If you read this and you pray, I would ask that you pray for him. Wellness is possible, his oldest sister is proof of that. Though their struggle are different in some ways, in other ways they are the same.
Determination is something both his siblings know something about.Would that he could get on that same track.
Until then, I am going to keep praying and hope that others will join me.

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Thursday, May 7, 2015

Love you a latte

Here is my idea for Mother's Day. I gathered the makings of personalized mugs and packaged them up for my sisters and mom. I put in a note about them decoration the mugs with the help of a child or grandchild(ren.)
 I also made one for the Hub for his birthday (which is the day after Mother's Day) so he and the grandbaby could work on the his mug together.
I've made a list of suggested inscriptions. I can hardly wait to see what they choose. I'll be sure to post the finished products.

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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

the songs in my head

I made this collage as my response to a post about people who sing all the time. I could just say that I am happy and that's why I sing. But that would not be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
The real truth is summed up in the collage.
The whole truth; as I know it.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Fisher women

These beauties are my baby daughter and my grandbaby. Notice they are wearing hats. They like hats almost as much as I do. I took this while they were fishing last Sunday afternoon.
I didn't fish, rather I laid on the dock and read while they did.
Nothing of any size or import was caught but we did make some good memories and have a good time.
My sisters and I loved to go fishing with our Dad back in the day. He had three daughters who were tomboy enough to hunt and fish with him. We actively participated in whatever activity he was involved in, whenever there was time and opportunity.
We fished because we liked being with him.
Why these girls fish, seems to be for an altogether different reason, albeit a simple one.
It seems they like to fish.
On Sunday, they both chose it over any number of other things they could have done.

Since they had each other there, they cared little whether I fished with them or not. Besides, the Hub was there along with baby daughter's beau. The guys, too, were trying to catch dinner.
I was there for the scenery and the company. Some things don't change.
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