Friday, March 16, 2012

Harbingers of Spring

I have a checklist (begun sometime in my childhood but continually added to) regarding Spring. I don't mark the season by the calendar or stellar bodies. Rather, it is by the things I most look forward to all through the winter months that mark Spring's arrival for me.
Here is where I am on the list so far:
  • baby animals beside their mothers in the countryside. check. (on the way to and from work)blooming forsythia and quince. check. check. (in my yard right now)
  • redbuds, daffodils and hyacinths in bloom. check, check, check. (everywhere)
  • robins. check. (saw one out the kitchen window earlier.)
  • Cadbury mini eggs on shelves at the market and signs announcing baseball sign ups on the windows outside. i can check these off, too.
  • There is also the whole springing forward thing that we did last Saturday night. I am still adjusting! I like it staying light longer but don't much care for getting up an hour earlier!
Still, it's not Spring in my world until the time changes.So that's it. I have checked all the boxes on my mental list.That means it's time for kites and picnics and feeding the ducks and bicycling.For those I am more than ready...

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