Thursday, March 15, 2012


There ensues another internet search for a maltipoo. Baby Daughter kicked around the idea of other breeds. A King Charles Spaniel was mentioned. There was discussion about a yorkie puppy. But in the end, it was a maltipoo she settled on; and found.Maybe not so coincidentally, the new puppy looks exactly like Abbie did when she was a pup. But she acts like Bella.
Baby Daughter and her beau drove some 12 hours round trip to Parker, Kansas and back on a weeknight to pick up the new puppy. The Beau, since he was willing to make the trip, got to name this one. He named her Parker.The puppy likes the Beau. She also likes the Grandbaby. ANd she really likes Prince Mostly Charming/Daddy/Granddaddy.
Parker also very much likes Abbie and Bella (though they decidely do not like her. Not yet anyway.) Most of all, she loves the big blonde lab who lives outside though she is roughly the size of one of the lab's paws. Suffice to say, this pup lives on the edge.Within a week of her arrival at what is going to be her temporary home (and I mean this) she was jumping down off my tester bed, something Bella still does not do. She climbs up the stairs on my side of the bed and can almost get herself back onto it.
One day last week I walked into the kitchen and found her hanging, just like a little monkey, from one of the top bars on the big dog's crate. I mentioned it to Prince Mostly Charming, he said he'd seen her do that several times.

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