Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Rules

There were certain rules laid down even from that first day. Most of them lasted all of a week.
They included things like:

  • No dogs on the furniture.
  • The puppy sleeps in her crate.

I was not the first to break the house rules. The baby daughter was not the first to break the rules. I am not going to say who the first to break them was but eventually we all broke them all.
During the early potty training phase, I took Abbie to work with me in the little wicker carrier. When I took a break, so did she. It worked out beautifully.
Then I realized that the puppy followed me about the house. She whined at my chair to be picked up and was present beside my bed at bedtime. Oops. That was not the intent. It was, however, the result.I had become her Alpha Dog Person albeit accidentally.
Looking back, the result was predictable but I still contend it was not intentional.Baby Daughter would pick the puppy up and take her into her room. Puppy would wait until she thought the coast was clear and then find an escape. Right back beside my bed she would be. As many times as I would take her back to her owner, she would find a way back to me. The rest is history. I wasn't the one who wanted a dog but I surely got one.

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