Thursday, March 8, 2012

Puppy Love

What we did not need was another dog at our house. Sometimes I can't believe we have any at all.
You see, I have never really been a dog lover;
especially when it comes to inside dogs.
We tried an inside dog, a little black poodle we named Cadeaux, when my husband and I were still newlyweds. Our lifestyle did not comport with dog ownership
Now, 35 years later, our lives still are not particularly dog friendly, yet, we now have four.
The newest one, technically, does not belong to us. She belongs to our youngest daughter. The problem is, so did two of the other dogs who are permanent residents at our house.
I am still trying to sort through how this all got started.

Is there really a dog-lover gene?
If so, my child inherited it from her father's family. My in-laws always always had a poodle on the inside and another, usually a boxer, on the outside.
My sister-in-law has owned about every kind of canine known to man at one time or another.
It never occurred to me that I would have more dogs in my house than she; yet at this moment, I think i do!
The first two of the inside dogs live with us through no fault of my own. Not at all. I mean,
not really. Not so much.
I am sure you will agree when you here how it happened.

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